Thursday, June 25, 2009

WOW... What A Week

Whoa, what a week. First Ed McMahon dies. Now, not many peeps under the age of about 40 even knew who he was, considering his star had been out of the limelight for many years and he was always best known as a spokesman for Publisher's Clearinghouse and Johnny Carson's comic sidekick. (Carson was the Tonight Show host before Jay Leno, in case you didn't know).

Then this morning we learn that Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer. That in itself was quite a blow for us Boomers who remember her busting out onto the scene in the '70's. I mean, is there any guy who was alive then who didn't have that Farrah poster on their wall (or ceiling)?? She was the girl that the guys wanted to be with and that the girls wanted to be.

She was a beauty, for sure, but she also had acting chops. They don't just hand out Emmy nominations, and her performance in The Burning bed was outstanding.

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