Friday, October 2, 2009

I Hate MLM... But I LoveThis!!!

I remember being first tricked into... er, I mean, introduced to MLM many years ago. Some folks came into the plant nursery I worked at and were impressed with how articulate I was -- especially for a young college kid. They used to old 'blind-meeting' routine on me and I fell for it, even talking the sister of an old girlfriend into going with me.

Long story short, I was soon the proud owner of a fine array of soaps and cleaning products which I had to then try to pawn off on my family and friends, some of whom would surely be so impressed they'd want to become distributors themselves and we'd all make a bundle.

I suppose I don't have to tell you my friends and family either a) wanted to remain dirty or b) were happy with what they were using already... or c) they just didn't like me that much after all (nah, scratch that last one). Whatever the case, no one wanted to sign up under me... even though (and this is key) "the products were great!"

Wanna just get to it? GO HERE


Now, the general theory was sound -- just get 5 people to join who then get 5 people to join who then get 5 people... yada yada you've heard it all before. I was a believer (and still am) in the theory of exponential growth as a way to make 'just a bit -- from many -- to equal alot'

In fact, back in the '80's I became a serial MLM-er, at first marketing some crappy stuff until I finally had some success marketing both skin care products and Chinese herbs.

But, what with meetings and quotas and constant cold calling and all that comes with it, I, like many, became disenchanted with the whole mess and gave it up, swearing off MLM forever!.

Until now.

See, the problem was not really the products being marketed (and I have to qualify that by saying I mean 'some of the products'... there certainly was and is a lot of junk being peddled, always has been). No, the problem for me (and for many) has always been recruiting.

Trust me, you want to see your warm market get cold real fast? Just try to enlist them in a couple of your latest schemes.

But now my friend Joel Therien has finally lured me back into the MLM fold. How'd he do it? By making it so dead easy to make money because he eliminates all of the obstacles that shackle so many other MLM's. He's revealing his system -- for FREE -- that's worth an easy $1995.00.

CLICK HERE to find out more:


What Joel and his team have done is a marketers' dream. They have combined state of the art products with a no-brainer/work-as-much-or-as-little-as-you-want system to recruit your downline from all over the world by doing what we marketers already do: market.

Now, I'm not gonna attempt to explain all the in's and outs of the business model and the compensation plan here. There are videos galore on the site above that do all that much better than I ever could.

What I will say is that these are products you are, or should be, using every day in your business anyway. And if you can get them at a good price AND make some money in the deal... like I said -- a no-brainer.

And if there's one thing I LOVE it's a no-brainer!

Check it out HERE!

Opt in and check things out. If it's not for you, fine. But if it is... you'll love it, too

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MJ RIP: Genius In Anyone's Book

Everyone will remember, for the rest of our lives, where we were when we heard Michael Jackson died -- just like JFK, Elvis, John Lennon and Kurt Cobain. But Micheal was bigger, more famous than all of them.

Like millions of others, the soundtrack of my childhood is peppered with his music. I can remember long, lazy summer afternoons with my friends, bobbing our heads to "I Want You Back", "Dance Machine" and "ABC". We had lively debates on who would win in a pick-up basketball game: the Jackson 5 or the Osmonds (remember them?). BTW, it was unanimously upon that it would be the Jacksons. And I could never forget slow-dancing with Janna Gail to "I'll Be There" at the 7th grade school dance, thereby making it officially "our song".

Later, as a composer/musician myself, I was amazed at his writing/arranging chops in "Off The Wall"... then "Thriller" and the list goes on. Of course, I'm sure Quincy Jones had something to do with that, too.

He was a genius in anyone's book... not only as a dancer and musically but as a businessman and self-promoter as well. He was the commodity that millions collectively paid millions for.

And, yeah, there were the accusations of freakiness. Maybe they were true.. maybe not. Anyone with a big bank account, especially those who live out of the norm, has a target on his back. I have a feeling, though, that they'll be just a footnote in the history of Michael Jackson's story. The story of pop music. The story of our lives.

RIP, MJ. And thanks.

WOW... What A Week

Whoa, what a week. First Ed McMahon dies. Now, not many peeps under the age of about 40 even knew who he was, considering his star had been out of the limelight for many years and he was always best known as a spokesman for Publisher's Clearinghouse and Johnny Carson's comic sidekick. (Carson was the Tonight Show host before Jay Leno, in case you didn't know).

Then this morning we learn that Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer. That in itself was quite a blow for us Boomers who remember her busting out onto the scene in the '70's. I mean, is there any guy who was alive then who didn't have that Farrah poster on their wall (or ceiling)?? She was the girl that the guys wanted to be with and that the girls wanted to be.

She was a beauty, for sure, but she also had acting chops. They don't just hand out Emmy nominations, and her performance in The Burning bed was outstanding.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The ULTIMATE Valentine's Day Gift For Him

Give Your Guy The ULTIMATE Valentine's Day Gift -- In Under 15 Minutes!!

It looks like another February 14th is fast approaching and everyone is scrambling to come up with great Valentine’s Day gifts for husbands, boyfriends and such. Now, since I AM a husband now and have been a boyfriend and such, I can safely say he'd like the latest gadgets, some new bling, sexy boxers or some yummy golf treats, but how much creativity does that show? I mean, seriously, where’s the personal touch? Here’s a great gift idea that takes about five minutes to prepare, is ready in about fifteen minutes, and should cost just under ten bucks! – depending on where you shop.

Curious? Three words: CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES! But not some store-bought concoction made by anonymous hands. These are made by you right at home with your own loving touch. Even if you’re not exactly Rachel Ray in the kitchen, all it takes is a little patience and the ability to follow some simple directions.

Here’s how: First, you’ll need about a pint of juicy, succulent, medium-sized strawberries. I highly recommend going organic here. You’re after the tastiest ones and sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers make them artificially bigger, sacrificing flavor in the process. Also, medium sized fruits allow for a more balanced ratio of chocolate to strawberry – if that’s your preference. Next, pick up a tub of Bakers Dipping Chocolate at your local grocer. Standard wax paper and a baking sheet or large plate round out your supplies and you’re in business.

Rinse the strawberries and set them in the fridge to chill, leaving the leaves on for easy handling and aesthetic appeal (3 minutes). Meanwhile, follow the quick and simple directions to melt the chocolate and get it ready for dipping (under 2 minutes). Slowly dip and swirl each strawberry into the melted chocolate, then place on the wax-papered cookie sheet. Chill in the fridge for about 10 to 15 minutes for the chocolate to harden and viola! A home-made, hand-made, lovingly-made Valentine’s Day gift for the man in your life.

As a side note, if your guy is allergic to strawberries, substitute melons, kiwi, apples or even pretzels. After all, it’s the thought of you taking the time and effort to please him that will make this the ultimate Valentine’s Day for both of you!

p.s. Good in the kitchen or just plain adventurous? Take this idea to the next level with Tuxedo Strawberries .

p.p.s. Why not use those 15 minutes while the strawberries chill to slow dance to some romantic music… and save some dipping chocolate for later!